(Find a synopsis on our best articles here)
“Quantum noise spectroscopy of critical slowing down in an atomically thin magnet”, M.E. Ziffer, F. Machado, B. Ursprung, A. Lozovoi, A.B. Tazi, Z. Yuan, M.E. Ziebel, T. Delord, N. Zeng, E. Telford, D.G. Chica, D.W. de Quilettes, X. Zhu, J.C. Hone, K.L. Shepard, X. Roy, N.P. de Leon, E.J. Davis, S. Chatterjee, C.A. Meriles, J.S. Owen, P.J. Schuck, A.N. Pasupathy, submitted. Available as arXiv:2407.05614.
“Probing electric-dipole-enabled transitions in the excited state of the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond”, T. Delord, R. Monge, G.I. Lopez-Morales, O. Bach, C.E. Dreyer, J. Flick, C.A. Meriles, submitted. Available as arXiv:2405.16280.
“NV– with nitrogen”, N.B. Manson, M.S.J. Barson, M. Hedges, P. Singh, S. Stearn, Y-H. Chen, L. Oberg, C.A. Meriles, M.W. Doherty, submitted. Available as arXiv:2311.09570v1.
“Quantum embedding study of strain- and charge-induced Stark effects on the NV− center in diamond”, G.I. López-Morales, J.M. Zajac, J. Flick, C.A. Meriles, C.E. Dreyer, Phys. Rev. B, in press. Available as arXiv:2406.07772v1.
“3D-mapping and manipulation of photocurrent in an optoelectronic diamond device”, A.A. Wood, D.J. McCloskey, N. Dontschuk, A. Lozovoi, R.M. Goldblatt, T. Delord, D.A. Broadway, J.-P. Tetienne, B. C. Johnson, K.T. Mitchell, C.T.-K. Lew, C.A. Meriles, A.M. Martin, Adv. Mater. 2405338 (2024). Available online and as arXiv:2402.07091.
“Photoinduced charge injection from shallow point defects in diamond into water”, K. Xu, D. Pagliero, G.I. Lopez Morales, J. Flick, A. Wolcott, and Carlos A. Meriles, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 16, 37226 (2024). Available online in open access form and also as arXiv:2407.15019.
“Correlated spectroscopy of electric noise with color center clusters”, T. Delord, R. Monge, C.A. Meriles, Nano Lett. 24, 6474 (2024). Available online in open access form and also as arXiv:2401.07814.
“Semi-ab-initio modeling of bound states of deep defects in semiconductors”, Y-H. Chen, L. Oberg, J. Flick, A. Lozovoi, C.A. Meriles, M.W. Doherty, Phys. Rev. B 109, L201115 (2024). Available as arXiv:2306.12005.
“Wavelength dependence of nitrogen-vacancy center charge cycling”, A. A. Wood, A. Lozovoi, R. M. Goldblatt, C. A. Meriles, A. M. Martin, Phys. Rev. B 109, 134106 (2024). Available as arXiv:2401.12668.
“Photo-induced charge state dynamics of the neutral and negatively charged silicon vacancy centers in room-temperature diamond”, G. Garcia-Arellano, G.I. López-Morales, N.B. Manson, J. Flick, A.A. Wood, C.A. Meriles, Adv. Sci. 11, 2308814 (2024). Available as open access article and as arXiV:2403.10941.
“Reversible optical data storage below the diffraction limit”, R. Monge, T. Delord, C.A. Meriles, Nat. Nanotech. 19, 202 (2024). Available as arXiV:2402.11312. See related presentation here.
“Resonant versus non-resonant spin readout of a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond under cryogenic conditions”, R. Monge,*, T. Delord*, G. Thiering, A. Gali, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 236901 (2023). Available as arXiv:2312.02907.
“Quantum sensing via magnetic-noise-protected states in an electronic spin dyad”, C.A. Meriles, P.R. Zangara, D. Pagliero, Adv. Quant. Tech. 2300098 (2023). Available as arXiv:2306.17273.
“Detection and modeling of hole capture by single point defects under variable electric fields”, A. Lozovoi, Y. Chen, G. Vizkelethy, E. Bielejec, J. Flick, M. Doherty, C.A. Meriles, Nano Lett. 23, 4495 (2023). Available as arXiv:2306.01572. Learn more. See related presentation here.
“Room-temperature photo-chromism of silicon vacancy centers in CVD diamond”, A. Wood, A. Lozovoi, Z-H. Zhang, S. Sharma, G.I. López Morales, H. Jayakumar, N. de Leon, C.A. Meriles, Nano Lett. 23, 1017 (2023). Available as arXiv:2211.13141. Learn more.
“Spin dynamics of a solid-state qubit in proximity to a superconductor”, R. Monge, T. Delord, N. Proscia, Z. Shotan, H. Jayakumar, J. Henshaw, P. Zangara, A. Lozovoi, D. Pagliero, P.D. Esquinazi, T. An, I. Sodemann, V.M. Menon, C.A. Meriles, Nano Lett., 23, 422 (2023). Available as arXiv:2207.07648. Learn more. See related presentation here.
“Dynamic-nuclear-polarization-weighted spectroscopy of multi-spin electronic-nuclear clusters”, R. Pigliapochi, D. Pagliero, L. Buljubasich, A. Lozovoi, R.H. Acosta, Pablo R. Zangara, and C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. B 107, 214202 (2023). Available as arXiv:2306.13193.
“Optical and electronic spin properties of fluorescent micro- and nanodiamonds upon prolonged ultra-high temperature annealing”, N. Nunn, S. Millisiyants, M.D. Torelli, R. Monge, T. Delord, A.I. Shames, C.A. Meriles, A. Ajoy, A.I. Smirnov, O.A. Shenderova, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B 41, 042206 (2023). (Featured article)
“Information-guided dynamic nuclear polarization”, S. Bussandri, G. Sequeiros, Pablo R. Zangara, R.H. Acosta, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. Appl. 18, 034039 (2022).
“Dynamical decoupling in interacting systems: Applications to signal-enhanced hyperpolarized readout”, A. Ajoy, R. Nirodi, A. Sarkar, P. Reshetikhin, E. Druga, A. Akkiraju, M. MacAllister, G. Maineri, S. Le, A.M. Souza, C.A. Meriles, B. Gilbert, D. Suter, J.A. Reimer, A. Pines, submitted. Available as arXiv:2008.08323v1.
“Toward deep-learning-assisted spectrally-resolved imaging of magnetic noise”, F. Meneses, D. Wise, D. Pagliero, P.R. Zangara, S. Dhomkar, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. Appl. 18, 024004 (2022). Available as arXiv:2208.01107.
“Microwave-free dynamic nuclear polarization via sudden thermal jumps”, C.A. Meriles, P.R. Zangara, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 037401 (2022). Available as arXiv:2201.09092. Learn more. See related presentation here.
“Imaging dark charge emitters in diamond via carrier-to-photon conversion”, A. Lozovoi, G. Vizkelethy, E. Bielejec, C.A. Meriles, Sci. Adv. 8, eabl9402 (2022). Available as arXiv:2201.05237. Learn more. See related presentation here.
“Optical activation and detection of charge transport between individual colour centres in diamond”, A. Lozovoi, H. Jayakumar, D. Daw, G. Vizkelethy, E. Bielejec, J. Flick, M.W. Doherty, C.A. Meriles, Nat. Electron. 4, 717 (2021). Available as arXiv:2110:12272. Learn more.
“Ab-initio investigation of Er3+ defects in tungsten disulfide”, G.I. López-Morales, A. Hampel, G.E. López, V.M. Menon, J. Flick, Carlos A. Meriles, Comp. Mater. Sci. 111041 (2021).
“Investigation of photon emitters in rare-earth-implanted hexagonal boron nitride”, G.I. López-Morales, M. Li, A. Hampel, S. Satapathy, N.V. Proscia, H. Jayakumar, G.E. Lopez, V.M. Menon, J. Flick, C.A. Meriles, Opt. Mater. Exp. 11, 3478 (2021). Available as arXiv:2110.00895.
“Low-field microwave-mediated hyperpolarization in optically pumped diamond”, A. Ajoy, A. Sarkar, E. Druga, P. Zangara, D. Pagliero, C.A. Meriles, J.A. Reimer, J. Mag. Reson. 331, 107021 (2021).
“Non-Hermitian dynamics of spin chains with loss and gain”, S. Bussandri, P.R. Zangara, R.H. Acosta, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. B 103, 214409 (2021). Available as arXiv:2106.04326. (A talk by Carlos centered on this article can be watched here).
“Background-free dual-mode optical and 13C magnetic resonance imaging in diamond particles”, X. Lv, J.H. Walton, E. Druga, F. Wang, A. Aguilar, T. McKnelly, R. Nazaryan, L. Wu, O. Shenderova, D.B. Vigneron, C.A. Meriles, J.A. Reimer, A. Pines, A. Ajoy, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 118, e2023579118 (2021). Available as arXiv:1909.08064.
“Magnetic-field-induced delocalization in hybrid electron-nuclear spin ensembles”, D. Pagliero*, P.R. Zangara*, J. Henshaw, A. Ajoy, R.H. Acosta, N. Manson, J. Reimer, A. Pines, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. B, 103, 064310 (2021). Available as arXiv:2006.07736.
“Nuclear spin temperature reversal via continuous radio-frequency driving”, P.R. Zangara*, D. Pagliero*, A. Ajoy, R.H. Acosta, J.A. Reimer, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. B. 103, 085205 (2021). Available as arXiv:2102.13171.
“Spontaneous emission dynamics of Eu3+ ions coupled to hyperbolic metamaterials”, G.I. López-Morales, M. Li, R.K. Yadav, J. Basu, C.A. Meriles, V.M. Menon, Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 011106 (2021). Available as arXiv:2101.03571.
“Probing metastable space-charge potentials in a wide bandgap semiconductor”, A. Lozovoi*, H. Jayakumar*, D. Daw, A. Lakra, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 256602 (2020). Available as arXiv:2012.10810. Learn more.
“Long-term spin state storage using ancilla charge memories”, H. Jayakumar, A. Lozovoi, D. Daw, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 236601 (2020). Available as arXiv:2003.13148. Learn more.
“Enhanced optical 13C hyperpolarization in diamond via high temperature rapid thermal annealing”, M. Gierth, V. Krespach, A.I. Shames, P. Raghavan, E. Druga, N. Nunn, M. Torelli, R. Nirodi, S. Le, R. Zhao, A. Aguilar, X. Lv, M. Shen, C.A. Meriles, J.A. Reimer, A. Zaitsev, A. Pines, O. Shenderova, A. Ajoy, Adv. Quantum Tech. 3, 2000050 (2020). Available as arXiv:1911.03322.
“Optically pumped spin polarization as a probe of many-body thermalization”, D. Pagliero, P. Zangara, J. Henshaw, A. Ajoy, R.H. Acosta, J.A. Reimer, A. Pines, C.A. Meriles, Science Adv. 6, eaaz6986 (2020). Available as arXiv:2005.00647. Learn more.
“Microcavity-coupled emitters in 2D hexagonal boron nitride”, N.V. Proscia, H. Jayakumar, X. Ge, G. Lopez-Morales, Z. Shotan, W. Zhou, C.A. Meriles, V.M. Menon, Nanophot. 9, 2937 (2020). Available as arXiv:1906.06546. Learn more.
“Dark defect charge dynamics in bulk chemical-vapor-deposition-grown diamonds probed via nitrogen vacancy centers”, A. Lozovoi, D. Daw, H. Jayakumar, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 053602 (2020). Available as arXiv:2004.06520.
“Room-temperature single photon emitters in cubic boron nitride nanocrystals”, G.I. López-Morales, A. Almanakly, S. Satapathy, N. Proscia, H. Jayakumar, V.N. Khabashesku, P.M. Ajayan, C.A. Meriles, V.M. Menon, Opt. Mater. Exp. 10, 843 (2020). Available as arXiv:1912.11450.
“Room temperature “Optical nanodiamond hyperpolarizer”: physics, design and operation”, A. Ajoy, R. Nazaryan, E. Druga, K. Liu, A. Aguilar, B. Han, M. Gierth, J.T. Oon, B. Safvati, R. Tsang, J.H. Walton, D. Suter, C.A. Meriles, J.A. Reimer, A. Pines, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 91, 023106 (2020). Available as arXiv:1811.10218v1.
“Mechanical rotation via optical pumping of paramagnetic impurities”, P.R. Zangara, A. Wood, M.W. Doherty, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. B 100, 235410 (2019). Available as arXiv:1912.03524. Learn more.
“Hyperpolarized relaxometry based nuclear T1 noise spectroscopy in hybrid diamond quantum registers”, A. Ajoy, B. Safvati, R. Nazaryan, J.T. Oon, B. Han, P. Raghavan, R. Nirodi, A. Aguilar, K. Liu, X. Cai, X. Lv, E. Druga, C. Ramanathan, J.A. Reimer, C.A. Meriles, D. Suter, A. Pines, Nature Commun. 10, 5160 (2019). Available as arXiv:1902.06204.
“13C dynamic nuclear polarization in diamond via a microwave-free ‘integrated’ cross effect”, J. Henshaw, D. Pagliero, P.R. Zangara, B. Franzoni, A. Ajoy, R. Acosta, J.A. Reimer, A. Pines, C.A. Meriles, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116, 18334 (2019). Available as arXiv:1909.06642. Learn more.
“Coupling of strain-activated quantum emitters in hexagonal boron nitride to plasmonic surface lattice resonances”, N.V. Proscia, R.J. Collison, C.A. Meriles, V.M. Menon, Nanophot. 8, 2057 (2019). Available as arXiv:1909.02648v1.
“Spin coherent quantum transport of electrons between defects in diamond”, L.M. Oberg, E. Huang, P.M. Reddy, A. Alkauskas, A.D. Greentree, J.H. Cole, N.B. Manson, C.A. Meriles, M.W. Doherty, Nanophot. 8, 1975 (2019). Available as arXiv:1905.07084.
“Two-electron-spin ratchets as a platform for microwave-free dynamic nuclear polarization of arbitrary material targets”, P.R. Zangara, J. Henshaw, D. Pagliero, A. Ajoy, J.A. Reimer, A. Pines, C.A. Meriles, Nano Lett. 19, 2389 (2019). (ASAP article). Available as arXiv:1904.08563v1. Learn more.
“Dynamics of frequency-swept nuclear spin optical pumping in powdered diamond at low magnetic fields”, P.R. Zangara, S. Dhomkar, A. Ajoy, K. Liu, R. Nazarian, D. Pagliero, D. Suter, J.A. Reimer, A. Pines, C.A. Meriles, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116, 2512 (2019). Available as arXiv:1902.06805. Learn more.
“Wide dynamic range magnetic field cycler: Harnessing quantum control at low and high fields”, A. Ajoy, X. Lv, E. Druga, K. Liu, B. Safvati, A. Morabe, M. Fenton, R. Nazaryan, S. Patel, T. Sjolander, J. Reimer, D. Sakellariou, C.A. Meriles, A. Pines, Rev. Sci. Instr. 90, 013112 (2019). Available as arXiv:1808.10579.
“Spin readout via spin-to-charge conversion in bulk diamond nitrogen-vacancy ensembles”, H. Jayakumar, S. Dhomkar, J. Henshaw, C.A. Meriles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 122404 (2018). Available as arXiv:1809.07380.
“Enhanced dynamic nuclear polarization via swept microwave frequency combs”, A. Ajoy, R. Nazaryan, K. Liu, X. Lv, B. Safvati, G. Wang, E. Druga, J.A. Reimer, D. Suter, C. Ramanathan, C.A. Meriles, A. Pines, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115, 10576 (2018). Available as arXiv:1807.07664.
“Near-deterministic activation of single-photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride”, N. Proscia, Z. Shotan, H. Jayakumar, P. Reddy, M. Dollar, A. Alkauskas, M.W. Doherty, C.A. Meriles, V.M. Menon, Optica 5, 1128 (2018). Chosen as Cover Article. Available as arXiv:1712.01352. Learn more.
“Charge dynamics in near-surface, variable-density ensembles of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond”, S. Dhomkar, H. Jayakumar, P.R. Zangara, C.A. Meriles, Nano Lett. 18, 4046 (2018). (ASAP article). Available as arXiv:1807.00229. Learn more.
“Microwave-assisted cross-polarization of nuclear spin ensembles from optically-pumped nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond”, F. Shagieva, S. Zaiser, P. Neumann, D.B.R. Dasari, R. Stöhr, A. Denisenko, R. Reuter, C.A. Meriles, J. Wrachtrup, Nano Lett. 18, 3731 (2018). (ASAP article). Available as arXiv:1803.05608v1. Learn more.
“Orientation independent room-temperature optical 13C hyperpolarization in powdered diamond”, A. Ajoy, K. Liu, R. Nazaryan, X. Lv, P.R. Zangara, B. Safvati, G. Wang, D. Arnold, G. Li, A. Lin, P. Raghavan, E. Druga, S. Dhomkar, D. Pagliero, J.A. Reimer, D. Suter, C.A. Meriles, A. Pines, Science Adv. 4, eaar5492 (2018). Available as arXiv:1806.09812. Learn more.
“On-demand generation of neutral and negatively-charged silicon-vacancy centers in diamond”, S. Dhomkar, P. Zangara, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 117401 (2018). Available as arXiv:1803.06569v1. Learn more.
“Multi-spin-assisted optical pumping of bulk 13C nuclear spin polarization in diamond”, D. Pagliero, K.R. Koteswara Rao, P.R. Zangara, S. Dhomkar, H.H. Wong, A. Abril, N. Aslam, A. Parker, J. King, C.E. Avalos, A. Ajoy, J. Wrachtrup, A. Pines, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. B 97, 024422 (2018). (Editor’s choice). Also available as arXiv:1711.07576.
“Long-distance excitation of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond via propagating surface spin waves”, D. Kikuchi, D. Prananto, K. Hayashi, A. Laraoui, N. Mizuochi, M. Hatano, E. Saitoh, Y. Kim, C.A. Meriles, T. An, Appl. Phys. Express 10, 103004 (2017). Available as arXiv: 1708.00596.
“Non-volatile quantum memory enables sensor unlimited nanoscale spectroscopy of finite quantum systems”, M. Pfender, N. Aslam, H. Sumiya, S. Onoda, P. Neumann, J. Isoya, C.A. Meriles, J. Wrachtrup, Nature Commun. 8, 834 (2017). Available as arXiv: 1610.05675v1. Learn more.
“Spin dynamics of ZnSe-ZnTe nanostructures grown by migration-enhanced molecular beam epitaxy”, V. Deligiannakis, S. Dhomkar, H. Ji, D. Pagliero, I.L. Kuskovsky, C.A. Meriles, M.C. Tamargo, J. Appl. Phys. 121, 115702 (2017).
“Photo-induced modification of single photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride”, Z. Shotan, H. Jayakumar, C.R. Considine, M. Mackoit, H. Fedder, J. Wrachtrup, A. Alkauskas, M.W. Doherty, V.M. Menon, C.A. Meriles, ACS Photonics 3, 2490 (2016).
“Long-term data storage in diamond”, S. Dhomkar, J. Henshaw, H. Jayakumar, C.A. Meriles, Science Adv. 2, e1600911 (2016). Also available as arXiv:1610.09022. Learn more.
“Optical patterning of trapped charge in nitrogen-doped diamond”, H. Jayakumar, J. Henshaw, S. Dhomkar, D. Pagliero, A. Laraoui, N.B. Manson, R. Albu, M.W. Doherty, C.A.. Meriles, Nature Commun. 7, 12660 (2016). Also available as arXiv:1609.03085. Learn more.
“Towards a room-temperature spin quantum bus in diamond via optical spin injection, transport and detection”, M.W. Doherty, C.A. Meriles, A. Alkauskas, H. Fedder, M.J. Sellars, N.B. Manson, Phys. Rev. X 6, 041035 (2016). Available as arXiv:1511.08559. Learn more.
“Imaging thermal conductivity with nanoscale resolution using a scanning spin probe”, A. Laraoui, H. Aycock-Rizzo, X. Lu, Y. Gao, E. Riedo, C.A. Meriles, Nature Commun. 6, 8954 (2015). Available as arXiv:1511.06916. Learn more.
“Probing molecular dynamics at the nanoscale via an individual paramagnetic center”, T.M. Staudacher, N. Raatz, S. Pezzagna, J. Meijer, F. Reinhard, C.A. Meriles, J. Wrachtrup, Nature Commun. 6, 8527 (2015). Available as arXiv:1507.05921. Learn more.
“Imaging nuclear spins weakly coupled to a probe paramagnetic center”, D. Pagliero, A. Laraoui, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. B 91, 205410 (2015). Available as arXiv:1512.00499.
“Recursive polarization of nuclear spins in diamond at arbitrary magnetic fields”, D. Pagliero, A. Laraoui, J. Henshaw, C.A. Meriles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 242402 (2014). Available as arXiv:1412.5441.
“Generation of spin-polarized currents via cross-relaxation with dynamically pumped paramagnetic impurities”, C.A. Meriles, M.W. Doherty, Appl. Phys. Lett., 105, 022403 (2014). Available asarXiv:1407.7438.
“Dynamic nuclear spin polarization of liquids and gases in contact with nanostructured diamond”, D. Abrams, M.E. Trusheim, D. Englund, M.D. Shattuck, C.A. Meriles, Nano Lett. 14, 2471 (2014). Learn more.
“Scalable Fabrication of High Purity Diamond Nanocrystals with Long-Spin-Coherence Nitrogen Vacancy Centers”, M. E. Trusheim, L. Li, A. Laraoui, E.H. Chen, O. Gaathon, H. Bakhru, T. Schroeder, C.A. Meriles, D. Englund, Nano Lett. 14, 32 (2014). ASAP article, published online 11/13, DOI: 10.1021/nl402799u. Highlighted by PhysicsWorld.com, IOP, Dec 2013.
“Near-band-gap photo-induced nuclear spin dynamics in semi-insulating GaAs: Hyperfine- and quadrupolar-driven relaxation”, Y. Li, J.P. King, J.A. Reimer, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. B 88, 235211 (2013). Available as arXiv:1401.2534.
“Approach to dark spin cooling in a diamond nanocrystal”, A. Laraoui, C.A. Meriles, ACS Nano 7, 3403 (2013). Available as arXiv:1507.05921. Learn more.
“Rapid prototyping of a liquid core waveguide in a microfluidic PDMS channel for optical sensing”, F. Song, J.Xiao, D.Pagliero, C.A. Meriles, S-W Seo, Opt. Eng. 52, 04404 (2013).
“High-Resolution Correlation Spectroscopy of 13C Spins Near a Nitrogen-Vacancy Center in Diamond”, A. Laraoui, F. Dolde, C. Burk, F. Reinhard, J. Wrachtrup, C.A. Meriles, Nature Commun. 4, 1651 (2013). Available as arXiv:1305.1536. Learn more.
“Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy on a (5nm)^3 volume of liquid and solid samples”, T. Staudacher, F. Shi, S. Pezzagna, J. Meijer, J. Du, C.A. Meriles, F. Reinhard, J. Wrachtrup, Science 339, 561 (2013). Accompanied by a perspective article in Science. Highlighted byPhysics Today, Nature News, Materials Today, Nature Methods, MIT Technology Review, PhysicsWorld.com (IOP), PhysOrg, Scientific American, and others. Learn more.
“Nitrogen-Vacancy-assisted magnetometry of paramagnetic centers in an individual diamond nanocrystal” A. Laraoui, J.S. Hodges, C.A. Meriles, Nano Lett. 12, 3477 (2012). Learn more.
“Optically re-writable patterns of nuclear magnetization in Gallium Arsenide”, J.P. King, Y. Li, L. C.A. Meriles, J.A. Reimer, Nature Commun. 3, 918 (2012). Highlighted by US News & World Report, NSF Innovators, Physics News, Photonics News, Science News, EurekAlert, Physics Org, Nano Patents and Innovations, ScienceDaily, Science Blog, NanoWerk,and others. Learn more.
“Resonant enhancement of polarization conversion in microdisk resonators”, L. Deych, C.A. Meriles, V. Menon, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 241107 (2011).
“Magneto-optical contrast in liquid-state optically-detected NMR spectroscopy”, D. Pagliero, C.A. Meriles, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 19510 (2011). Learn more.
“Rotating frame spin dynamics of a Nitrogen-Vacancy center in a diamond nanocrystal”, A. Laraoui, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. B 84, 161403 (2011). Available as arXiv:1110.2280v.
“The diamond Nitrogen-Vacancy center as a probe of random fluctuations in a nuclear spin ensemble”, A. Laraoui, J.S. Hodges, C. Ryan, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. B 84, 104301. Available as arXiv:1104.2546.
“Helicity-independent OPNMR in Gallium Arsenide”, Y. Li, J.P. King, L. Peng. M.C. Tamargo, J.A. Reimer, C.A. Meriles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 112101 (2011).
“Approach to high-frequency, cavity-enhanced Faraday rotation in a fluid”, D. Pagliero, Y. Li, S. Fisher, C.A. Meriles, Appl. Optics 50, 648 (2011).
“Time-resolved optically-detected NMR of fluids at high-magnetic field”, D. Pagliero, W. Dong, D. Sakellariou, C.A. Meriles, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 154505 (2010). Accompanied by a perspective article in AIPNewsWise (AIP), and highlighted by EurekAlert, SpectroscopyNow, Science Today News, Physics News, Science Daily, Nano Werk, LifeSciencesWorld, and others. Learn more.
“Magnetometry of random AC magnetic fields using a single Nitrogen-Vacancy center”, A. Laraoui, J.S. Hodges, C.A. Meriles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 143104 (2010). Available as arXiv:1009.0316. Selected for simultaneous publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanotechnology.
“Imaging mesoscopic nuclear spin noise with a diamond magnetometer ”, C.A. Meriles, J. Liang, G. Goldstein, P. Cappellaro, J. Hodges, J. Maze, M.D. Lukin, , J. Chem. Phys. 133, 124105 (2010). Available as arXiv:1004.5426. Selected for JCP Online Research Highlights.Selected for simultaneous publication in the Virtual Journal of Nanotechnology. Among the top-20 most downloaded articles, Oct 2010.
“Dependence of electron spin relaxation times on the crystal orientation of CdTe epitaxial layers grown on (100)ZnSe/GaAs substrates”, Q. Zhang, X. Liu, Y. Li, D. Pagliero, A. Shen, C.A. Meriles, M.C. Tamargo, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 7, 1665 (2010).
“Controlled growth of (001) or (111) CdTe epitaxial layers on (001) GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy and study of their electron spin relaxation times”, Q. Zhang, Y. Li, D. Pagliero, W. Charles, A. Shen, C.A. Meriles, M.C. Tamargo, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 28, C3D1 (2010).
“Optical pumping of nuclear magnetization in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells of variable electron density”, B. Li, P. Coles, J.A. Reimer, P. Dawson, C.A. Meriles, Sol. State Commun. 150, 450 (2010).
“Helicity-independent optical pumping of nuclear magnetization in bulk CdTe”, W. Dong, B. Li, Q. Zhang, M.C. Tamargo, C.A. Meriles, Phys. Rev. B 80, 045211 (2009).
“ Control of crystal orientation of CdTe epitaxial layers grown on (001) GaAs with ZnSe buffer layer by molecular beam epitaxy”, Q. Zhang, W. Charles, B. Li, A. Shen, C.A. Meriles, M.C. Tamargo, J. Cryst. Growth 311, 2603 (2009).
“Detection of long-range dipole-dipole interactions between nuclear spins in distant solids”, W Dong, CA Meriles, Chem. Phys. Lett. 470, 313 (2009).
“Ex-Situ magnetic resonance volume imaging”, V Demas, J Franck, L Bouchard, D Sakellariou, CA Meriles, R Martin, J Reimer, A Pines, Chem. Phys. Lett. 467, 398 (2009).
“Optical detection of NMR in organic fluids”, CA Meriles, Concepts Magn. Reson.Part A 32A , 79 (2008).
“Electron spin dynamics in Fe-doped InP”, B. Li, M.C. Tamargo, C.A. Meriles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 222114 (2007).
“Indirect detection of NMR via geometry-induced long-range dipolar fields, revisited”, W. Dong, C.A. Meriles, J. Magn. Reson. 186, 330 (2007).
“Theory of MRI in the presence of zero to low magnetic fields and tensor imaging field gradients”, C.A. Meriles, D. Sakellariou, A. Trabesinger, J. Magn. Reson. 182, 106 (2006).
“Toward ex-situ phase encoded spectroscopic imaging”, V. Demas, C.A. Meriles, D. Sakellariou, S-I. Han, J.A. Reimer, A. Pines, Concepts Magn. Reson. B 29B, 137 (2006).
“Indirect detection of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance via geometrically-induced long-range dipolar fields”, C.A Meriles, W. Dong, J. Magn. Reson. 181, 331 (2006).
“Optical detection of nuclear magnetic resonance at the sub-micron scale”, C.A. Meriles, J. Magn. Reson. 176, 207 (2005).
“High-resolution NMR spectroscopy with a portable single-sided sensor”, J. Perlo, V. Demas, F. Casanova, C.A. Meriles, J. Reimer, A. Pines, B. Blümich, Science 308, 1279 (2005). Highlighted by Science News, Nature News, SpectroscopyNow, IEEE Spectrum Online,Photonics.com,Science Daily, and others.
“Zero to low-field MRI with averaging of concomitant gradient fields”, C.A Meriles, A.Trabesinger, V. Demas, A. Pines, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences USA 102, 1840 (2005).
“NMR in rotating magnetic fields: Magic angle field spinning”, D. Sakellariou, C.A. Meriles, R.W. Martin, A. Pines, Magn. Reson. Imag. 23, 295 (2005).
Prior to 2005
“High-resolution NMR of static samples by rotation of the magnetic field”, C.A. Meriles, D. Sakellariou, A. Moulé, M. Goldman, A. Pines, J. Magn. Reson. 169, 13 (2004).
“Shim Pulses’ for NMR spectroscopy and imaging”, D. Topgaard, R.W. Martin, D. Sakellariou, C.A. Meriles, A Pines, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences USA 101, 17576 (2004).
“3D phase-encoded chemical shift MRI in the presence of inhomogeneous fields”, V. Demas, C.A. Meriles, S-I. Han, J. Reimer, A. Pines, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sciences USA 101, 8845 (2004).
“Advances in Ex-Situ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance”, D. Sakellariou, C.A. Meriles, A. Pines, Compt. Rend. Phys. 5, 337 (2004).
“High-Resolution NMR of anisotropic samples with spinning away from the magic angle”, D. Sakellariou, C.A. Meriles, R. Martin, A. Pines, Chem. Phys. Lett. 377, 333 (2003).
“High-resolution NMR spectra of disordered solids”, D. Sakellariou, S.P. Brown, A. Lesage, S. Hediger, M. Bardet, C.A. Meriles, A. Pines, L. Emsley, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 4376 (2003). See perspective article ”Sharper Spectra”, S. Borman, Chem. & Eng. News, 81, 9, Apr 2003.
“Broadband phase modulation by adiabatic pulses”, C.A. Meriles, D. Sakellariou, A. Pines, J. Magn. Reson. 164, 177 (2003). Cover page article.
“Variable rotation composite pulses for high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance using inhomogeneous magnetic and radio-frequency fields”, D. Sakellariou, C.A. Meriles, A. Moulé, A. Pines, Chem. Phys. Lett. 363, 25 (2002).
“Resolved magic-angle spinning of an-isotropic samples in inhomogeneous fields”, C.A. Meriles, D. Sakellariou, A Pines, Chem. Phys. Lett. 358, 391 (2002).
“Two-Dimensional high-resolution NMR spectra in matched B0 and B1 field gradients”, H. Heise, D. Sakellariou, C.A. Meriles, A. Moule, A. Pines, J. Magn. Reson. 156, 146 (2002).
“Approach to high resolution ex-situ NMR”, C.A. Meriles, D. Sakellariou, H. Heise, A Moulé, A. Pines, Science 293, 82 (2001). Some perspective articles are ”Out-of-magnet experience”, Chemical and Engineering News; ”Turning magnetic resonance inside out”, P. Weiss, Science News 160, 73, 2001; ”NMR shakes off its coil”, NMR Knowledge Base, “Possibility of ex-situ NMR spectroscopy”, MRS Bulletin, etc.
“Revision of spin echoes in Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance”, C.A. Meriles, J. Magn. Reson. 149, 188 (2001).
“X-ray diffraction study of powdered p-chloronitrobenzene”, C.A. Meriles, J.F. Schneider, Y.P. Mascarenhas, A.H. Brunetti, J. Appl. Cryst. 33, 71 (2000).
“The crystal structure of p-chlorobromobenzene and p-chloroiodobenzene”, C.A. Meriles, R.H. de Almeida Santos, M.T. do Prado Gambardella, J. Ellena, Y.P. Mascarenhas, A.H. Brunetti, J. Mol. Struct. 513, 245 (1999).
“Short-range orientational correlation in the disordered crystal of 1-chloro-4-iodo-benzene”, C.A. Meriles, S.C. Pérez, A.E. Wolfenson, A.H. Brunetti, J. Chem. Phys. 110, 7392 (1999).
“Lattice dynamics and structural instabilities in Biphenyl Sulfone derivatives”, J.F. Schneider, H.C. Panepucci, M.C. dos Santos, C.A. Meriles, L.A. de O. Nunes, J. Phys. Soc. of Japan 68, 493 (1999).
“The ordered phase of p-Chloronitrobenzene studied by Raman spectroscopy”, C.A. Meriles, J. Schneider, L.A. de O. Nunes, A.H. Brunetti, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 67, 1296 (1998).
“The dynamics of the nitro group in the solid phase of m-Chloronitrobenzene studied by Raman spectroscopy and 35Cl NQR”, J. Schneider, C.A. Meriles, L.A. de O. Nunes, S.C. Pérez, J. Mol. Struct. 447, 13 (1998).
“Order-disorder phase transformation kinetics in p-Chloronitrobenzene studied by NQR”, C.A. Meriles, S.C. Pérez, C.A. Schurrer, A.H. Brunetti, Phys. Rev. B 56, 14374 (1997).
“Nuclear Quadrupole spin-lattice relaxation due to molecular reorientations in crystals with orientational disorder”, CA Meriles, SC Pérez and AH Brunetti, J. Chem. Phys. 107, 1753 (1997).
“Order-disorder phase transition in p-chloronitrobenzene”; C.A. Meriles, S.C. Pérez, A.H. Brunetti; Phys. Rev. B. 54, 7090 (1996).
“A new ordered phase in p-chloronitrobenzene detected by NQR”, C.A. Meriles, S.C. Pérez , A.H. Brunetti; J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 8, L95 (1996).
“Optical detection of nuclear magnetic resonance at the sub-micron scale”, CA Meriles, US Patent 7,199,584 (2007).
“Low-field magnetic resonance imaging”, A. Pines, C.A. Meriles, A. Trabesinger, D. Sakellariou, V. Demas, US Patent 7,750,633 (2010).
“Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Detections in Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields”, A. Pines, Pines, Daniel Topgaard, Dimitrios Sakellariou, R.W. Martin, Carlos A. Meriles, US Patent 7,439,738 (2008).
“Method and apparatus for high-resolution ex-situ NMR”, A. Pines, C.A. Meriles, D. Sakellariou, H. Heise, A. Moule, US Patent 6,674,282 (2002).