All posts by cmeriles_1ry5wvws

10-24: Prof. Asif Equbal from NYU Abu Dhabi visits the group.

Title: The Role of Electron-Electron Coupling in Dynamic Nuclear Polarization: From Overcoming Barriers to Coherent Polarization Transfer

Abstract: Recent advancements in Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) have significantly improved NMR sensitivity, but challenges like spin diffusion barriers and uncontrolled electron-electron (e-e) coupling continue to limit efficiency. In this talk, I will explore the diverse roles of e-e couplings in DNP, particularly in long-range polarization transfer and overcoming spin diffusion barriers. Additionally, I will discuss our latest developments in coherent DNP using pulsed microwave irradiation, as well as advanced polarization transfer schemes in dense electron spin systems. These developments open new avenues for enhancing DNP performance in materials NMR, biological studies, and quantum sensing applications.